Friday, March 5, 2010

Beauty is only skin deep, Ugly goes all the way to the bone!

Do you remember being a teenage? Especially if you are a girl! Do you remember seeing every little flaw and thinking you were disgusting? How many teenage girls have the confidence to see their beauty and value?

If you know me, you know I have BEAUTIFUL daughters. They were never interested in being in a pageant. If you know me, you know how I feel about beauty pageants! I think everyone that God puts on Earth has a special place, a special purpose and a special beauty.

Once again, my job has forced me to see the UGLY reality of beauty pageants....and it hasn't even happened yet!

The girls are sweet, beautiful and seeking approval. Some PARENTS (some, not all for sure) are UGLY. Our pageant facilitators for the Miss Onion Fest and Miss Weslaco pageants have done an outstanding job. They care about the community, they care about the girls. They want to promote the pageant and show off our precious young ladies.

SO IN COME THE UGLY ADULTS! I have never seen such malice, insults and THREATS as those that have appeared on the Pageant coordinators FaceBook Page. In my 'official capacity', I asked that all comments be suspended.

Who do you think you are hurting?
What kind of example are you setting for your daughters, and other young girls?
Are your threats and innuendos going to 'sway' the judges or hurt those that you think you are helping?
Are you building character for our young adults?
Are you teaching our young ladies about life?

Face it, in a contest, sports game, pageant, and in life....there are winners and there are losers. When we lose or fail at a task that is a challenge to do something different, to learn from our experience, to move forward. When you are 12 - 17 years old, this is difficult. Competition should build character.

Parents should support, and let children make mistakes, fail, and teach them that it is a life lesson and teach them how to move on.

I have a real hard time seeing how subjecting these young ladies to a BEAUTY pageant is a life lesson. Especially when adults behave the way they do.

I guess in the Rio Grande Valley, folks feel they/their kids DESERVE reward, no matter what...or...they can intimidate those in charge to get what they think they are OWED.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% Martha- Growing up is always difficult, especially in a time when vanity and materialism are regarded more than integrity and hard work. Beauty pagaents are something people can grow from, teaching the young ladies about grace and diplomacy, among other things, but just like in other competitive venues, the competitor must be the one who finds their way. Whether they win or lose, they can learn from every experience. The worst thing an adult can do to a child is pitting them against other young ladies based solely on looks or to live their dreams through their children, and maliciously get what they want. I hope that people can step outside themselves and see the true impact they have on other people, especially the young ladies, when they behave that way.
